Advanced Soma Techniques by Niraj Naik Expert Reviews

Mastering The Power Of Breath with Niraj Naik

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Join Niraj Naik & Hundreds Of Students On An Boggling 33-Day Program To Detect How To Principal The Power Of Your Jiff To Supercharge Your Health, Unleash Your Higher Intuition & Make Yourself Ultra Productive

The Mastering The Power of Your Breath Journey guides yous through an like shooting fish in a barrel-to-follow 33-day curriculum. Each of these days focuses on a key stage in elevating your hidden operating system and even your autonomic nervous system then you tin heal faster, manifest smarter and awaken to your truthful self.

Under the hood, this Journey takes y'all through the best of Niraj'southward Rolodex of spiritual tools—breathwork, brain-grooming, affirmations, guided mental imagery techniques, and cocky-hypnosis—all that he personally used to self-heal a chronic disease and also manifest an incredible always-growing life preparation instructors and students on a global scale.

All daily lessons exercises and guided activations will be delivered by Niraj Naik through the pre-recorded sound and video sessions.

Each module is organized into 2 cadre elements:

  • Lesson Day: This volition be a lecture day – and you'll understand the 'why' backside what y'all're going to do for the calendar week. And will learn how to use the tools that you're getting. Plus, at that place will exist an assignment that you are encouraged to complete so you lot can start embodying the teachings and lessons in your daily life.
  • Do Days: You lot volition be practicing specific exercises that push button y'all through central phases in your journey. This will be various incredible musical breathwork experiences equally well as active guided visualizations.

This Is How The "Mastering the Ability of Breath" 33-Day Program Is Structured And so Yous Get Fast, Lasting Results In The Shortest Time Possible

Module 1: Initiating The Power Of Breathwork

In this module, after a quick introduction and dorsum story, you'll detect the showtime few protocols for using Breathwork to advance your results—from conquering your fears to setting powerful intentions. This gives y'all immediate tools that you could commencement practicing with. And then you'll get a big flick of what you lot'll experience in the residuum of the modules.

Highlights include:

  • How to command your fears: you'll be guided through an exercise to eliminate the fears that are holding y'all back from
  • unleashing the all-time you.
  • How to set intentions for your perfect day: Now that the fears are nether control, you'll beginning setting big intentions for your life.
  • How to ensure you get miraculous results: You'll learn about what's really possible with Breathwork and the astonishing story of healing and manifestations by Niraj.
  • How to leverage your breathwork results with music: Yous'll learn how to use breathwork powerfully to transform your health, immunity, your productivity and more.

Module 2: Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind

Welcome to the deep world of your subconscious mind. Hither you'll learn how to "load" your breath with intentions and brand breathwork a complete lifestyle arrangement. You'll learn how to use both your waking and sleep state—the whole 24 hrs in a day—to accelerate your breathwork results. You lot'll also larn deep release techniques to restore your listen.

Highlights include:

  • How to empower your breath: You'll never feel the same nigh your breath. Because every breath you have becomes a powerful opportunity to transform a little part of you. That's what you'll notice here.
  • How to deep program the hidden: You'll acquire how the hidden actually works and how, with a unproblematic programming protocol, the hidden becomes as soft as watered downward clay, fix to transform into any shape that you give it.
  • How to leverage the power of breathwork during slumber: Sleep is i of the most important opportunities for you to transform. You'll larn how to use breathwork techniques for leveraging the power of sleep.
  • How meta program your listen: Meta programming is creating mental shortcuts to make decision making easy, remove bad habits, control behaviors, go things done and collaborate well with others. And y'all'll have tools to do all that.

Module 3: Layers of Energetic Circuits

In this module you'll start working with your energy. Start yous'll learn to piece of work with the diverse energetic circuits in your body. Then you'll apply breathwork to empower the weak links in your energetic circuits. Then you lot'll learn how to enter the phase 1 of awakening with full empowerment.

Highlights include:

  • How to scan your energetic circuits: Yous'll acquire this wonderful protocol for scanning your energy for weakness and use the tools to restore the energy in the areas.
  • How to leverage your energetic circuits to empower your day: You'll get the tools and protocols to empower your day—so you can be more, practice more and requite more than.
  • How to enter phase 1 enkindling: You'll become initiated into the outset phase of awakening with an advanced breathwork protocol.

Module 4: Embodying Conscious Breathing

Y'all'll be entering the "intense" stage of the journey with module 3. You'll learn various breathwork protocols for controlling dissimilar chemicals in your body—from oxygen levels in your organs to red blood cells to the ATP in the mitochondria of your cells. And then when you're about to cease, you'll become a step farther to actuate your stem cells using a bunch of hypoxic protocols.

Highlights include:

  • How to avoid oxidative stress in your body: Studies show having the oxygen levels inside an optimal range improves cell functions. That's why it'due south important yous learn to avoid overloading the organization with oxygen.
  • How to heighten the functions of your cells: Red claret cells transport oxygen to produce free energy and help mitochondria produce carbon dioxide. Yous'll get breathwork protocols to make this whole process vastly efficient.
  • How to cultivate oxygen efficiency: There are some powerful means to control your oxygen intake to ensure that your body and brain functions optimally. You lot'll be practicing those techniques in great depth.
  • How to actuate your stem cells: You'll learn well-nigh the hypoxic country and diverse protocols for hypoxic training to kick-commencement the active country in your stalk cells.

Module 5: Animate Into Your Ideal Reality

This is the office where things get really interesting. You lot'll learn how to put all of the techniques together and start manifesting your ideal reality. But, knowing you'll go excited, you'll likewise become specific protocols to tap into your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system to remain calm. You lot'll learn how to maintain eye coherence while property on to the vision of your ideal reality.

Highlights include:

  • How to tap into your nervous system: This is primal to turning your vision into reality. Using breathwork protocols, you'll stimulate the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous organization to kickstart a powerful manifesting procedure.
  • How to permanently avoid the flying-fight response: Your manifesting procedure would piece of work smoothly and perfectly if you lot avoid your mind occasionally slipping into the flight-fight response. The secret is decision-making your adrenaline production.
  • How to establish heart coherence: Eye coherence turns your energetic core into a powerful magnet that attracts your ideal reality. Yous'll learn how to create a rhythm in your animate to create a healthy pattern in your heart energy.
  • How to use directed neurogenesis to rewire your encephalon: You'll learn breathwork protocols to trigger neurogenesis in your brain and also activate anti-ageing genes.
  • How to powerfully plough your intentions to reality: You'll learn the breathwork formula for raising your emotions, maintain eye coherence, heighten the encephalon state and ultimately create an energetic imprint in your brain stem to manifest your perfect reality.

Module 6: Optimizing Your Life Force Free energy

Life strength energy forms the ground of the very reality we live in. All healing and manifestations won't accept much effect if the life forcefulness energy is not aligned. That'due south what you'll learn to do in this module. Plus, yous'll also learn how to transmute your sexual energy into life force free energy.

Highlights include:

  • How to empower your root chakra: You'll learn to tap into your root chakra and energize it and release trapped energies to make your personal energy powerful. This powerful procedure will exponentially liberate your energy.
  • How to transmute your sexual energy: Sexual free energy is one of the nigh powerful forces in life. You lot'll learn how to channel that into the river of your life-force energy to get a master creator.
  • How to harness your life-force free energy: Now that your life-force free energy is maximized, you'll get the protocols for harnessing it to enter the phase 2 of awakening.

Module 7: Activating Your Inner Avatar

1 of the very persistent energies in your energy field is that of your inner avatar. Fifty-fifty after turning your reality effectually on the outside, this inner avatar can stand up in crossways. That's why this entire module is defended to identify, transform and embody your inner avatar.

Highlights include:

  • How to place your inner avatar: You lot'll go the protocols for scanning your avatar and identifying the different avatars that may be present. Acknowledging your avatars this way is a powerful offset footstep in transforming information technology.
  • How to transform the default style of your avatar: The default mode of your inner avatars defines your average free energy. Transforming this helps you transform your whole energy field.
  • How to awaken your dormant avatars: Some of your most empowering avatars tin be asleep in the depths of your consciousness. You'll acquire how to activate them in a way that gives new meaning to everything you lot practice in life
  • How to awaken the hidden parts of your encephalon: There are hidden centers in your encephalon that when activated will help you lot meet the globe in purely low-cal terms—like to a psychedelic experience. You'll larn how to actuate these centers.
  • How to choose the best characteristics for your avatar: You lot'll larn how to summon a college council of spirits with the best characteristics and choose from them what you like for your inner avatar. And get the protocols for infusing those into your inner avatar.

Module eight: Chanting Into Cosmos

Starting with this module, you lot'll ease into creation. First of the methods you'll learn is how to combine chanting with breathwork and how to enable seamless manifestation. Equally office of the easing process, you'll too learn how to control your vagus nervus system.

Highlights include:

  • How to leverage the power of AUM: This syllable encompasses the whole of the cosmos process. You lot'll learn how to let the creation process to behave on like clockwork. You'll also learn how to give up into the artistic power of AUM.
  • How to stimulate your vagus nervus system: The vagus nervus is the longest of the nerve systems and it controls the parasympathetic nervous system, which in turn controls all our communication and senses. You'll learn the breathwork protocols to stimulate this nerve system to span your physical senses with the free energy of the universe.
  • How to use the Dantien energies: Dantien system is a concept in Qigong that pinpoints the places where universal energy flows in your body. Past working with this system, you'll learn how to draw more energy from the universe to assist you in creation.

Module nine: Transmuting Your Fears

As yous enter the final stages of the stage 2 of awakening, more than deeper fears will come into play. In this module, you'll be transmuting those with the "suspension of breath" breathwork practices that'll clear any feelings of fear in your energy field. Yous'll do this for both rational and irrational fears in your arrangement.

Highlights include:

  • How to manage your subtle emotions: When yous get aware, you'll be sensitive to subtle emotional changes. That's why information technology'due south important for you to acquire how to manage those emotions—which are very fine forms of depression, anxiety and sadness.
  • How to eliminate the fear of missing out: This is i of those things that derail the most perfectly aligned goals, intentions and manifestations. If not curbed, this can lead to jumping the gun (or pulling the seeds out too early on to cheque) in your manifestations. You'll know exactly what to do when these happen.
  • How to switch on and off your reptilian brain: Even though initially y'all'll take shut the reptilian brain off with breathwork practices, that office of the brain serves a very important purpose. Yous'll learn when to turn it on. And instead of uncontrolled responses, you'll acquire how to precisely control the activation of the reptilian encephalon when you lot need it.

Module 10: Activating Your Lite Trunk

Past now, you will take mastered the first two phases of awakening with breathwork. In this module, you'll enter phase three and the college spiritual dimensions and activate the unlike subconscious and dormant centers which are linked to those dimensions. Yous'll learn how to activate certain cell functions and get the various glands to generate hormones and also actuate the third eye.

Highlights include:

  • How to utilise IHT to control your glands: IHT is one of the breathwork techniques you've already mastered. And yous'll larn how to apply it to turn on and off the endocrine glands to regulate the activity of cells and organs.
  • How to manage ATP production in Mitochondria: ATP is the secret to the energy you experience every solar day and it'due south also what helps you connect to your light body. You'll learn how to use IHT to ramp up ATP production.
  • How to activate your third eye & pineal gland: Activating the tertiary eye and pineal gland basically opens up psychic abilities in you. And this besides helps with activating your calorie-free body.
  • How to actuate your light torso: These techniques may not generate results at showtime try. But with do you'll offset feeling your lite body and start using it to manifest changes on a planetary scale.

Module eleven: Awaken The Soma Within

According to the ancient Hindu and Zoroastrian legends, Soma is the mysterious substance that grants immortality to the soul. Although no records be as to what this substance is, you tin, at this stage of your enkindling, feel the soma within you—a persistent feeling that y'all're non just a human being merely function of an infinitely vast immortal spirit. You'll acquire how to connect with this unnamable essence of all that is.

Highlights include:

  • How to leverage the power of AUM: This syllable encompasses the whole of the creation process. You'll learn how to allow the creation process to behave on similar clockwork. You'll also acquire how to surrender into the creative ability of AUM.
  • How to stimulate your vagus nervus organisation: The vagus nerve is the longest of the nerve systems and it controls the parasympathetic nervous system, which in plow controls all our advice and senses. You'll learn the breathwork protocols to stimulate this nerve system to span your physical senses with the energy of the universe.
  • How to utilise the Dantien energies: Dantien arrangement is a concept in Qigong that pinpoints the places where universal energy flows in your torso. Past working with this system, yous'll larn how to draw more energy from the universe to help you in creation.

More than courses from the same author: Niraj Naik

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  • Is the cost in dollars? A: Yes, it is value is in dollars (USD)
  • In what linguistic communication is it? A: The grade is in English language

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